The Apricot is a plant native of north-east China where already 4000 years ago grew in the wild nature. From there extended to west through the central Asia until to get in Armenia, from this the name “Prunus Armeniaca”. Romans after the conquer of the America introduced it in Italy and Greece in 70-60 b.C., but it is spread in the Mediterranean Sea basin was consolidated afterwards by Arabs, indeed the word apricot comes from the Arabic word al-barqūq. Nowadays the apricot cultivations in Italy extend from north to south, the main regions of production’re Emilia Romagna, Campania and Basilicata.
Nutrient value
Belonging to the same family of the peaches, the apricot’s a typical summer fruit full of Vitamin A and carotenoids which confer antioxidant property, antitumor and anti aging. The plenty of mineral salts makes it a food suitable for enemics, exhausted and for childrens in growing age.
Tozzi Frutta produces and trades the best apricot variety selected in the last years, obtained with Integrated fight process which consist in use of chemical products of synthesis only when strictly necessary and in concomitance with biological and biodynamic process to protect the human health and the environment.
Available from May to August in all the packages that the customer prefers: EPS, IFCO, CPR, Carton and Wood.
Packed in jumble, one layer, and in netted, lidded or naked punnets from 500 g to 1000 g.
Tozzi Frutta also owns aa e-shop section for the sell on the net of the fruit that produces. If you are a consumer, a retailer or a wholesaler and you wish to buy directly from us or only just try a sample of our speciality you are invited to do it with a click: